Written In Stone

“It’s not written in stone.”

We’ve all heard – or perhaps even used – the phrase.  It’s used to communicate the fact that something – usually a rule or a policy – isn’t permanent.  But we might also find ourselves saying this: “Nothing’s Permanent.”  It’s true that a lot of things change.  Look at any of the old pictures of Warren, and most of the time you’ll see things that aren’t around anymore.  Change is going on all the time, so it’s understandable that we use that aphorism.
But is that true? Does everything change? How about good and evil, right and wrong?
In the past few years it seems that our common perceptions of morality have particularly become a subject of debate.  For example, there’s been the movement across social media called “Shout Your Abortion” that celebrates and affirms women who have undergone this procedure.
The fact of the matter is that the exponential growth of information and technology, coupled with the philosophy that all of our ethics are a product of culture has created a mass of confusion.  Many of us feel this deeply. How can we know what is truly right and wrong?
The Good News is that there is something we can rely on.  There is something by which we can make our moral choices that is not only clear, but compelling.  And it’s nothing new! It’s been revealed to mankind for nearly 3000 years.  It’s been a source of instruction and inspiration to millions of people.  It’s the foundation of justice for both individuals and communities, states and nations.  And they were written in stone.  What is it?
It’s the Ten Commandments.
Beginning on Sunday, January 30th, I will be preaching on the meaning, the purpose, and the hope of these 10 “words” that God spoke directly to the liberated tribes of Israel.  These words were not only intended for them, but for all of us.
Join us for worship as we gather, in-person and online every Sunday morning.
Your Partner in the Gospel,
Pastor Ryan
God is Good, All the Time!


