Get Involved

Fellowship Snacks

Like to bake? Bring in a snack to be served during the fellowship time during each service.  Sign up on the refrigerator in the kitchen. 


Sign up to be a greeter on the table in the fellowship hall and welcome those attending church on a Sunday.


Greet people as they come into Worship Sunday mornings, hand out bulletins, and help to take the offering.


Nursery care attendants are needed every Sunday during church services and during some bible studies and events. Sign up on the table in the fellowship hall.

Music Ministries

Have a musical gift you would like to share?  Share your gift by joining a worship team which leads worship Sunday mornings or by participating in the Community Lenten Cantata, Palm Sunday evening.

Sound, PowerPoint, and Technology

A way to serve behind the scenes during the worship service or for special events.  Training available.

Community Outreach

Meals on Wheels- a service to deliver meals to people in need in Warren. 
Food Shelf- (in Warren) volunteer at the facility to distribute food to people in our area.