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ever lived. How?
seemed to enjoy it, so Olds gave them a lever: when pushed, it would turn on the electrode. The
rats quickly learned how it worked, and they had a fantastic time with it. Some of the rats would
giddily push the lever 2,000 times per hour for 24 hours straight.
means, they have found how to stimulate this region of our brains. How? It happens through
the presence (or simulated presence) of another person and the sounds of their movement and
voice. It requires an “emotional element,” which leaves the viewer feeling “safe, and warm, and
How? That’s the Message of the Bible, summarized in the book of Romans.
died for us.” (Romans 5:8, New International Version)
of strength for living the life God has designed for you and me. And this design is described in
Romans chapter 12. I call it the great THEREFORE. This comes from the first few words of
verse 1:
does God’s great love produce? It’s nothing mysterious, nothing magical. In fact, it’s both
logical and intuitive. In a word, Love. Great love begets great love. It’s what empowers us to
fulfill what Jesus called the Great Commandment taught to us by Jesus:
strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Luke 10:27)
answer every time. But God gives us an answer in one chapter: Romans 12.
a part of his grand plan in my sermon series entitled, THEREFORE!
Unless the Lord Builds the House
been on both ends of that expression. In all likelihood, “because I said so” ended the
conversation. Sometimes it’s necessary, perhaps because the situation is urgent or time is
short. But often it creates frustration and even misunderstanding. And in parenting, it’s a
missed opportunity in explaining to a child how and why to make good, solid choices. And,
even more importantly, it’s a missed opportunity to build trust.
is, he often takes the time to explain. The Good News is that our Heavenly Father wants us to
know why. Even more important, our Heavenly Father wants us to trust him, and so he gives
his children a thorough explanation in his Word, the Bible.
participates is a person of faith. As Christians, we have faith in many different things: That God
exists, that God hears and answers prayer, that there is a reason for evil and suffering, that the
Bible is true and trustworthy, and that life has purpose and meaning.
However, to be human means to have doubts. Faith can be shaken. In fact, doubt often
coexists alongside faith. That is, we have reasons to believe and reasons to doubt the very
same thing.
prepares a safe and secure space that belief may one day fill; we need not bring fully formed
belief to the door, as a ticket for admission.” Jesus himself honored the faith of everyone who
asked, from the bold centurion to doubting Thomas, healing a man who brought his son to him
and said, “I do believe! Help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).
and it’s safe to ask all your questions!
Seeking Jesus, Serving Others
The Good Life
Having moved here to Warren in February 2020, last year’s Marshall County Fair was the first that the Sarenpa family experienced. What fun! It started with a parade and a bag full of candy, and proceeded to four days of freedom, friends, food, games, music, and rides, rides, and MORE RIDES! Life was good, and the kids were living the good life! They wished those days would never end.
Perhaps you’ve seen, or even have one of those t-shirts that says, Life is Good. And perhaps you’ve never thought about it from God’s perspective. The Bible tells us that God when created everything, including all different kinds of life, he declared that it was Good – and human life, which God created in his very own image, was Very Good. While Heaven is the eternal hope of all Christians, that doesn’t mean life on earth is bad. Heaven is simply described as “far better.” But still, here on earth, life is good.
So how do we live the good life? What is that, really? Is it summers at the lake and winters in Phoenix or Florida? Well, God tells us that we can have it, no matter where we are, no matter what season we’re in. In the book of Psalms in the Bible, it says:
“Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
In other words living the good life means doing good – because life is good!
Enjoy your time at the Marshall County Fair, and please come to the Worship Service in the Grandstand! It begins at 9:30. See you then!
-Pastor Ryan Sarenpa, Warren Covenant Church